Stories of Life Productions is in great need of help to complete this project.  We need the help of individuals and organizations to help us produce, promote, and distribute this valuable evangelism and discipleship tool.  You can be a part of this effort.  We encourage any help you can provide.  Here are some of the ways you can help…

PRAY FOR THIS MINISTRY.  The prayers of God’s people rising up into the throne room of God on behalf of Stories of Life Productions is what we value most.  For if God builds this house, nothing will prevail against it.  We know where God guides, He provides and so the resources and help will come in His time.  But it is through your prayers that we are empowered to see God’s purpose and plan unfold in this ministry.

BUY THE BOOKS IN GOD’S LOVE STORY CHILDREN’S BOOK SERIES.  100% of the profits from these books goes towards the production, promotion, and distribution of GLSVB.  Not only will you be getting a great tool to use to evangelize and disciple your toddler or young child, but at the same time, you will be helping the gospel make it’s way around the world into places where the gospel has a difficult time getting to.  If you don’t have any kids at home, buy them for your grandkids.  If you don’t have grandkids, buy them and gift them to families who have toddlers and young kids.  Buy the set for your church library or children’s ministry in your church.  By them for your lost neighbor who has young children.  The book is also available at all the other retailers like Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, Amazon, as well as Christian book outlets like Lifeway and others.  But if you buy the book from our online bookstore here, we keep a greater percentage of profits from the book.

PROMOTE THE BOOK SERIES SO OTHERS WILL BUY IT.  Tell others at church, at school, at your homeschooling group, wherever, about the book and give them the web sight address.  Print out this flyer from here and pass it out to any and everyone who might be remotely interested in buying the book. Copy this little blurb from here and paste it at the end of all your emails.  Your promotional help can help us generate the financial resources to complete this project.  Don’t forget to send them to our online bookstore since we keep a greater percentage of the profits from this web sight.

GIVE TO THE MINISTRY.  Stories of Life Productions, in its new phase, is just now getting started.  We are in the process of establishing non-profit status for the ministry but this will take some time and financial resources that we do not have at the present.  We do not anticipate it taking to long to establish a 501c3 non-profit corporation here in the United States where we can give statements for personal tax deductions.  We anticipate this costing around $2,500 to get completed.  The graph on the right shows where we are at with that $2,500 goal.   We are also a full disclosure ministry and if you have given a one time donation of any amount we can send you a current financial summary of the ministry income and expenses by email.  All you have to do is ask for it.  If you decide to become a monthly giver to the ministry, you will automatically receive these financial summaries on a quarterly basis by email.  If you need more information about the ministry so you can make a reasoned and informed decision, you can download the GLSVB Ministry Plan from here.  This GLSVB Ministry Plan also has a “Statement of Faith” section so you know where we stand scripturally.  Please remember that as we move towards establishing 501c3 status, this Ministry Plan is a work in progress so it is not fully complete. 


✓ Are you interested in becoming a promotion partner for GLSVB and GLS Children’s Book Series in your town or city?  We need volunteers who can work with us to get the word out to churches, Christian schools, homeschool groups, and any other interested parties.

✓ Are you an artist who can paint on canvas?  We would love to here from you.  Once we are able, hopefully not in the to distant future, we will be hiring artists who can help us to illustrate the stories.  This could be one way to let your artwork count for eternal purposes.  Just contact us here and let’s talk.

✓ Are you proficient at using Gimp, or Photoshop?  Would you like to volunteer your time to help us with story image graphics?  I have artwork right now that needs digital modification to prep for the video editing process.

✓ Are you proficient at using Final Cut Pro X?  For some of you video production geeks out there, we might be sending you on an exotic trip to someplace in the world to work with production of GLSVB in a new language.  Who knows…

✓ Is there something we are missing?  If you have an idea to help Stories of Life Productions, we are all ears and if it fits within our purpose for existence, “to produce, promote, and distribute GLSVB,” we want to hear from you.

There is a place for you to fit in this ministry and so in advance, we thank you for your consideration.